Old Dog’s Beach – Artist Jeff Quigley

…. SOLD …. SOLD …. SOLD ….

“Old Dog’s Beach” Is the latest painting by Artist Jeff Quigley. Framed and is an acrylic on canvas, a large painting 58cm x 88cm. My latest work and ready to be hung in the opening exhibition of the new Emu Park Art Gallery. Due for opening in late June / July 2021.

Old Dog’s Beach was finished 6th June 2021

Again please excuse my camera work as it is not the best photo.

This piece is available for sale with conditions. It is to be available for hanging in the opening exhibition of the New Gallery and for the duration of such exhibition. Any enquiries please contact Jeff on (07)49396587

Sheeze I had a lot of fun with the old dog’s black fur, in fact hours and hours of fun trying to get it as “right”as I could. I think I got there (eventually)

I am keen to get cracking on another one in time for the Official Opening of the new Gallery. What is the old saying “Strike while the iron is hot”.