…. SOLD …. SOLD …. SOLD …

High-Rise Cometh, The Precedent Is Set is the title of this piece.
The beautiful coastal town of Emu Park of which I reside in and have done so for 37 years is about to change forever with the recently approved first ever development of a six storey high rise complex.

In a narrow four votes to three the local Council approved of supporting this development application. No doubt more high-rise will quickly follow as the precedent has now been set.

This painting depicts my feelings on the development and my concerns for the future of the township. The four Livingstone Shire councilors that voted for this are depicted in my work. They are from left to right, Councilor Adam Belot, Mayor Andy Ireland, Councilor Pat Eastwood and Councilor Glenda Mather

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Heavy Landing Before the Shore Break is the title of this piece. I started this painting as a wave break crashing over rocks and eventually added some gulls, then I decided on a pelican or two. I got a bit off script but that is how things go with my paintings.

Again, sorry about the quality of the photos. One day I will get it right. I believe the painting looks a lot better in real view than the in the Quigley Camera work.

Heavy Landing Before the Shore Break is Framed and is an acrylic on canvas, a large painting 88cm x 58cm. It is my latest work and hopefully will be hung in the next exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery. The next exhibition will be opening in early February.
All my paintings will be for sale.

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FOLLOW THE RIVER – Artist Jeff Quigley

This one has gone to a good home…

Follow The River is the title of this work. I changed course with this one as I progressed. This happens frequently with me and “painting”.

Again, sorry about the quality of the photos. One day I will get it right. I believe the painting looks a lot better in real view than the in the Quigley Camera work.

Follow The River is Framed and is an acrylic on canvas, a large painting 88cm x 58cm. It is my latest work and hopefully will be hung in the next exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery. The next exhibition will be opening on the 14th November.

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Ma Rainey’s Band 1923 – Artist Jeff Quigley

Newest painting done and dusted ‘Ma Rainey Band 1923’ …. If I may be permitted to turn back the hands of time only 99 years and introduce you’all to the fabulous Ma Rainey and her band. Well actually it is a painting of Ma and the band I recently completed.

Just black, white and greys, and I had a lot of fun doing this one. (Sorry about the quality of the photo.)

It is Framed and is an acrylic on canvas, a large painting 88cm x 58cm. My latest work and ready to be hung in the next exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery. The next exhibition will be opening on the 29th June.

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I Stopped These – Artist Jeff Quigley

“I stopped these”, it is a unframed work, acrylic on canvas, and is 60cm x 45cm.

I’ve titled this one “I stopped these”. My dedication to two beautiful young girls who with their parents just want to live and enjoy life with their friends in Biloela.

Millions and millions of dollars later this cruel and meaningless detention still continues. It is good to know that things will change post election.

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Nearly There – Artist Jeff Quigley

…. SOLD …. SOLD …. SOLD ….

Got to love deadlines … NEARLY THERE..Narhh I made it, well finished it. (the painting – latest artwork by Jeff Quigley) This one had to be ready for presentation and inspection tomorrow, the 13th Feb for the new Exhibition at the Emu Park Art Gallery which commences on the 16th February.

I’ve titled this piece “Nearly There”, it is a unframed work, acrylic on canvas, and is 45cm x 45cm.

Nearly There was finished 12th February 2022

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